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Control & Instrumentation Engineering Services

Control and Instrumentation Design and Engineering

Design, plan and develop instrumentation and control automation systems for process industry, as well as plant communication systems.

  • Generation and approval of technical specifications and statement of works for equipment and installation
  • Generation of bills of quantities and cable schedules for installation
  • Generation and approval of design criteria and control philosophies
  • Engineering,Design and drafting
  • Provision of instrument lists
  • Provision of PLC control philosophy, I/O schedules and programming requirements
About Quality

Quality Control and Assurance Services

Kansh Limited aspire to provide the highest quality in engineering, design, project management services utilising customer satisfaction as our main drive to success.

  • Technical and acceptance inspection and testing of equipment at suppliers (Factory Acceptance Testing – FAT’s)
  • Technical and acceptance inspection and testing of installed equipment (Site Acceptance Testing – Bs T’s)
  • Work With Architecture Style
  • Construction Consult With Expert

Images & Videos

Majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Benefit of Service

Duis quis faucibus dolor. Nulla nulla justo, posuere eu aliquam a, tristique sed nisi. Suspendisse vel erat mauris. Maecenas maximus sed nisl imperdiet eleifend. Mauris suscipit .

  • Make strond your roof
  • Door and Windows will good
  • No any leakes in roof
  • Maintain your home structure
  • Door and Windows will good
  • Make strond your roof
  • Maintain your home structure
  • No any leakes in roof


for any type of

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